King Soopers Community Rewards

Support WRHS Music Boosters by using your King Soopers loyalty card every time you shop!

Each time you use your King Soopers card, a portion of that goes directly to the Music Boosters and supports our instrumental music students.

Here's how to enroll:

  1. Go to and login using the button in the upper right corner (or if you haven't created an account, create one).

  2. On the left side of the screen, there's a menu of options. Choose "Community Rewards" and you'll see a screen like the one below, or one with the organization you're currently supporting.

3. Under "Find an Organization" or using the blue "Change Organization" button, use the code PT709 to look up Wheat Ridge H.S. Instrumental Music Boosters (or look for us in the list where we'll be with the other "W" organizations. You can also find us by limiting the search to "Youth Programs").

4. You should see a screen like one of the two pictures below.

5. Find us and click the blue "enroll" button. Then you should see a screen like the one below.

6. Every time you use your King Soopers loyalty card at checkout, you'll help raise money for our instrumental music programs.

Questions? We'll help! Email